Wednesday 22 April 2009

Tour de Normandy 2

After Rouen, a short train ride to La Havre and i found a friend! My Italian friend Tiziano, fellow traveler and my company/human gps unit for the rest of the trip. We spent Easter day walking La Havre, eating Nids, drinking a little apple juice in the park and then proceeded South. Ulitmate destination was Granville, then Mont St Michel. La Havre is a huge port town that takes care of the shipping for a good portion of the european union. There are many war memorials on the Normandy coast from the last world war. The most notable is in Bayeux outskirts. There are many buildings here that bear the marks of shrapnel damage in thier marble or foundation stones.
La Havre has one of the biggest squares in France, thanks to the extensive bombing and rebuilding the next 50 years afterwards. The Seine that runs through Paris and Rouen empties here in La Havre, or does it start here? Unsure, but the Seine on its connection with the atlantic/english channel, is spanned by the largest bridge in france. The Pont de Normandy. Only shorter than le tour eiffel by a few feet. It was thrilling to drive across and I can only assume that it took a pretty penny to design but it was worth every french franc. On the opposite side of the bridge is a quaint little town,village really, Honfluer. Worth visiting if you have the time. We didn't, but I've heard good things. After getting across the bridge we made our way to Caen, then further south to Avranches, after Avranche we met some italians that just so happened to be going to Granville and we rode with them to the top of Granville, looking at the harbor while the tide was out and the boats were resting on the sea floor.
high tide>
We couch surfed with a lovely lady and her sailor just above the bay here. We ate crab and spent two days with them in their apartment they were just getting ready to move out of. Talk about a kind heart. Granville was fresh and cool, full of sun and sea air. A perfect place for the in- between time, spring before the summer transition.

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